2007年11月8日 星期四



  【日經BP社報導】 說起日本企業的特點,“不冒風險”是經常被提到的若干特點當中的一個。其實在生產一線或就技術人員個人來說,有相當多的是在從事嶄新的或者結果未知的工作。不過,這些工作一旦到了需要投資的時候,十有八九會被置之高閣。這到底是日本企業組織結構的問題,還是經營者思考方法的問題呢?   但是實際上,日本企業又往往會做出讓人感到“風險如此之大,決策真有膽量”的業務計劃。如果這個決策果真具有獨創性,倒也就罷了,將其看作是高風險高回報的一種“賭博”即可。但事實是並非事事如此。我們經常可以看到眾多日本企業一起做出高風險決策的現象。而且通過採訪你會發現,這些決策者們其實大多沒有“正在甘冒風險”的意識。 隨大流,一窩蜂   大家攜手選擇同樣的高風險道路,那麼就算失敗,也不會和競爭對手產生“差距”。這可以給經營者們帶來安心感,不必再為風險的大小而深思熟慮。但是,如果其結果是業績低迷,那麼倒楣的將是技術人員。如果受到的打擊超過了企業自身的承受能力,那麼公司很有可能成為外資基金的收購對象。   那麼,如果大家都能夠順利地跨越風險獲得成功的話,結果又會怎樣呢?因為是大家都成功,所以回報勢必很少。也就是高風險低回報。可謂是非常不划算的一種選擇。   上述情況的典型案例就是顯示器行業。讓我們從1993年說起。   當時,液晶行業正在為大螢幕彩色TFT液晶面板的大幅增產著手準備。日本的大型綜合電子廠商幾乎一個不差全員參加,再加上日本的中堅廠商和之後加入的南韓、台灣廠商,陣容十分龐大。那時身為《日經電子》記者的筆者採訪各公司的投資額、預定產量等資訊,並詢問各公司“預定獲得多少佔有率?”   然而,所有企業都表示:“既然拿出鉅額投資一決勝負,自然要爭取20%以上的佔有率”。甚至還有企業表示:“豈止如此,我們的目標是30%以上”。如果把廠商所說的數字加在一起,結果居然超過了200%。 集體參加的演算法   200%寓意著一個非常嚴重的事實。也就是說如果各家廠商都能按照計劃進行,那麼整個行業的供應能力將達到廠商所設想的2倍以上。也就是說實際上各公司計劃的“20%以上”的佔有率將縮水到10%。   這時,只獲得了較低市場佔有率的廠商,就會為了超過競爭企業而猛踩油門。看到這種情況,媒體也會大肆炒作:“企業大增產,產品普及即將實現”等等。   當然對此狀況,業者並非都沉默不語。在整個行業進入爭先恐後狀態的稍早時分,在某國際會議的聯歡會上,筆者巧遇京瓷的前會長西口泰夫。當時西口擔任業務本部長,統管液晶業務。西口環指著場內說:“看看吧,這裡是死亡商人的巢穴”。死亡商人原本指軍火商。因為軍火商總是今天在這邊煽風:“對手已經配備了最新式武器。貴方如果不對抗的話就會……”,明天又在那邊點火:“對方已經拿出對策來了。現在不強化實力就無法保持軍事平衡啦”。軍火商的形象與當時設備廠商的推銷異常相似,所以西口用半開玩笑半認真的方式指出了問題所在。   就這樣,增產被越炒越烈,廠商的產能不斷提高。可是,當時1張10吋的液晶面板要賣到10萬日元,自然不會有太多買家。   而可以預見的則是一片悲慘的價格崩潰。(未完待續,記者:仲森 智博)

2007年10月31日 星期三

Settlement with Transmeta to cost Intel $250M


Settlement with Transmeta to cost Intel $250M
By Colleen Taylor, Contributing Editor -- 10/24/2007
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Electronic News

The troubled IP licensing company has inked a settlement with Intel that puts an end to the companies' months-long patent war and gives Transmeta stock price a much-needed boost. By Colleen Taylor
Marking a cease fire that has given the company's financial reputation a much-needed boost, intellectual property (IP) licensing company Transmeta Corp. today announced that it has reached an agreement with industry-leading chipmaker Intel Corp. to settle all claims between them and to license the Transmeta patent portfolio to Intel for use in current and future products.
The trouble between the companies began a year ago, when Transmeta filed a lawsuit against Intel alleging the infringement of 10 Transmeta patents in October 2006. Intel denied the allegations and in January fired back by hitting Transmeta with a claim that Transmeta had infringed seven of Intel's patents.
The legal problems coincided with Transmeta's financial woes. Last year, the company reported quarter after quarter of dismal profits, and saw the resignation of its CFO Mark Kent. In January 2007, Transmeta's board voted to replace then-CEO Arthur Swift with Les Crudele in a move to head the company with an executive who had "more operational experience."
The company has been aggressively working to make changes in an effort to reverse its fiscal slump. Days after Crudele's appointment became effective, the company cut 39 percent of its workforce and launched a plan to focus entirely on intellectual property licensing in an attempt to regain profitability. In Q2, Transmeta went on with plans to cut 15 percent to 20 percent more of its staff. Despite the drastic moves and a hefty investment from Intel rival AMD Inc., change for the company's bottom line has still been slow: In its Q2 report issued in August, the company posted a net loss of $11.5 million, down from the $18.7 million loss posted in Q1.
The company's balance sheet should see some more improvements from the Intel settlement. In a statement made today, Transmeta said that their agreement provides for Intel to make an initial $150 million payment to Transmeta, as well as to pay Transmeta an annual license fee of $20 million for each of the next five years. Also, Transmeta will grant Intel a perpetual non-exclusive license to all Transmeta patents and patent applications, including any patent rights later acquired by Transmeta, now existing or as may be filed during the next 10 years.
Further, Intel has vowed not to sue Transmeta for the development and licensing to third parties of the disputed technologies.
Wall Street has given an extraordinarily enthusiastic thumbs-up to Transmeta following the Intel deal. This morning, Transmeta's stock price opened at $14.50, more than tripling yesterday's closing price of $4.18. Within the first hour of trading, Transmeta's shares hit a high of $14.98; showing strong progress from the recent past but still far from the 52-week high trading price of $26.00 the company hit last October.

IBM gives boost to solar energy; Process recycles scrap silicon

IBM gives boost to solar energy; Process recycles scrap silicon
DAVID HO; Cox New York Correspondent -- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, October 30, 2007 Tuesday Main Edition

New York --- IBM Corp. is announcing today that it has developed a way to easily refurbish scrap material left over from the creation of microchips so it can be used in solar energy panels, a process that could save money and help feed the solar industry's appetite for silicon.
Big Blue said it plans to share the technique with the semiconductor industry. Analysts say it could be widely adopted.
The semiconductor industry imprints patterns on silicon wafers to build the chips used in computers, video games, cellphones and other electronics. A small fraction of these thin silicon discs are scrapped, adding up to more than 3 million wafers discarded worldwide each year, according to industry and IBM estimates.
The scrap wafers, etched with patterns that companies consider intellectual property, are often crushed and sent to landfills.
IBM's new process uses existing wafer-polishing equipment to erase the patterns, said Thom Jagielski, environmental manager at the IBM chip plant in Burlington, Vt., that developed the technique. He said this allows wafers to be reused for equipment testing and later be sold to solar panel manufacturers.
The 3 million scrapped wafers each year could be used to create solar panels to power 6,000 houses, IBM said.
"It's a simple process, but it really returns benefits on so many different levels," Jagielski said. "Not only do we reduce our overall use of silicon, but then to be able to create a raw material for the solar panel industry is kind of a good story all the way around."
Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM has used the abrasion process for more than a year at the Vermont plant and is rolling it out at its chip factory in Fishkill, N.Y.
"It's a low-entry fee to do this," Jagielski said.
IBM's prominence in chip production means the process could affect many manufacturers, said Jim McGregor, an analyst with tech research firm In-Stat.
"Whatever IBM develops get filtered down to their partners," he said. "That's a big chunk of the industry."
That, in turn, could lead to more partnerships between the semiconductor and solar energy industries and the sharing of technology and resources, McGregor said.
"It's a shot in the arm for the solar industry, which has been hurting," said Richard Doherty, research director of the Envisioneering Group market research and consulting firm. "There hasn't been enough wafer material."
Most chip makers have scrapped leftover wafers when faced with the trouble and expense of reclaiming them internally or the risk of losing trade secrets by sending them out for recycling, McGregor said.
"There's always been concern that you never let raw wafers out unless they are highly controlled," McGregor said. He said the concern is over someone "backward engineering your product, learning what you did and how you did it."
Reusing scrap wafers as the "monitor" wafers used for equipment calibration and testing saves 90 percent of the energy that would be expended making a new one, Jagielski said.
Each abrasion session makes the wafer thinner, but the end product can still be used for solar panels, he said.

2007年10月29日 星期一

【FPD】“為2012年實現1500億美元市場打響第2戰役” 三星電子李相浣發表主題演講

【FPD】“為2012年實現1500億美元市場打響第2戰役” 三星電子李相浣發表主題演講


圖1:cal-MV  “在2012年之前,使平板顯示器(FPD)的市場規模比目前擴大50%,達到1500億美元”。在2007年10月24日開幕的“FPD International 2007”的主題演講中,南韓三星電子總裁兼首席執行官LCD業務部經理李相浣說,“2010年以後的FPD產業處於第2回合,我們將在這一階段以‘Value Creation’為主題擴大市場”,“實現夢想”。 通過正式涉足數字標牌,使大型FPD市場規模擴大1位數   此前的預測認為,電視市場將於2010年到頂。對此,李相浣列舉了5種有望成為“新成長動力”的產品。   第一是“數字標牌”。該產品能夠利用FPD滿足室外廣告板需求,從而成為“第4次浪潮”。如果單純依靠室內用途,目前130萬台的需求到2010年只能達到310萬台,但是,通過把室外廣告板需求納入視野,市場有望超越數千萬台。為了實現這一願望,目前700cd/m2的亮度需要提高到2000cd/m2。另外,通過使顯示區周圍的邊框寬度從現在的30mm縮小到4mm,該產品還能夠進入多螢幕市場。   第二是“家用高級電視”。也就是80吋以上、像素為全高畫質(high definition)4倍、擁有100萬:1“百萬對比度”及創新設計的“未來電視”。其範例包括充分發揮了高畫質晰度作用的“數字畫廊”。如果作為藝術牆使用,色彩表現範圍需要達到NTSC比110%。   第三是辦公室和學校使用的“e-Board”。該產品利用100吋以上的大型顯示器,能夠提高教學、演講中資訊的品質以及所能顯示的資訊量。通過配備內置圖像感測器的觸控螢幕功能,資訊可直接寫入面板。   第四是“Premium IT Display”。例如能夠像手提包一樣隨身攜帶,隨時隨地觀看影像的輕型顯示器。配備LED背照燈。而且,為了使個人電腦(PC)顯示器能夠作為第二台電視使用,24吋以上和全高畫質將成為基本配置。   第五是“Personal Digital Board”。這是能夠在發揮現有手機螢幕便利性的同時,能夠在移動中播放影像的產品。為了能折疊攜帶而展開使用時又比較大,需要較窄的螢幕。 技術創新是發展的原動力   大型數字標牌市場需要能夠輕鬆實現清晰度為此前4倍的100吋面板的技術,“與此前的第1回合一樣,技術創新將成為發展的原動力”。但發展並不是之前的延續,而是通過材料、工藝、設備的創新來實現。   李相浣表示,為了實現發展,我們需要把電子遷移率提高到此前4倍,即2cm2/v-1、把RC延遲縮短至1/4,即1μs、使100℃的低溫工藝支援塑膠底板、提高噴墨技術的產率、實現比以往更加高速的液晶模式、把厚度縮小到10mm以下。同時還表示,通過革新製造工藝,使目前高達1000萬美元的第10代玻璃底板用掩膜成本保持在與8代底板用掩膜的600萬美元相同的水準尤為必要,並對無掩膜數字曝光機寄予了期望。 適合60吋、70吋的玻璃底板尺寸還在研究之中   該公司的戰略包括以下幾個方面:(1)把平均面板單價提高30%;(2)開發適用於觀看高畫質視訊的16:9寬螢幕筆記型電腦用面板;(3)構建40吋~82吋資訊顯示面板產品線,到2008年,利用亮度為1500cd/m2的窄框面板,開拓室外廣告板市場;(4)面向智慧手機,利用清晰度為200ppi(pixel per inch)的3吋高級面板開拓高端市場;(5)以2010年之前投產有機EL面板為目標,開發14吋面板。為了提高平均面板單價,正在研究適合切割8塊60吋面板或6塊70吋面板的“3000±αmm×3200±αmm”玻璃底板尺寸(最適合切割52吋面板的第9代沒有作為重點研究)。(記者:大西 順雄) http://big5.nikkeibp.co.jp/china/news/edit/flat200710290125.html

2007年10月26日 星期五


電子紙進入量產階段 一場「軟性革命」即將開始
軟性電子、電子紙、印刷電子、塑膠電子、有機半導體、可撓性顯示器...等這些常以各種不同名稱出現的創新概念性技術,過去都只是在實驗室中的原型產品,但在經過多年的研發努力後,隨著有多家業者紛紛推出更具商業化價值的產品,並開始建廠準備進入量產,這似乎意味著產業即將進入一個全新的時代!基本上,所謂軟性電子主要是指希望能夠將電子電路透過印刷的方式,印製在塑膠等 軟性材料基板上,以創造出矽晶片與玻璃基板無法提供的未來應用需求。一旦這樣的 願景能夠實現,這些整合了光/電/感測功能,並以可塑性新材料設計的的軟性電子產 品,將開創出全新的應用,並將以無所不在的低成本電子商品,像是可撓式電子書報 、超薄手機、印刷式RFID、電子看板等各種應用,都將會改變人們的生活習慣。回顧本刊從2004年起開始揭露的相關報導,各位讀者可以看出電子紙技術一路走來的 各種歷程,以及業者對其所抱持的各種美好願景。而隨著技術的持續進展,目前彩色 化、可撓式及大型化是三個電子紙持續發展的方向。富士通也於日前宣布開發出彩色 電子紙顯示螢幕,並已開始提供樣品給客戶;更是代表著這樣的願景不再遙不可及, 就讓我們拭目以待這場「軟性革命」的開啟... http://www.eettaiwan.com/STATIC/SITE/ONLINE_TOPIC_20070507.HTM






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